Awhile back, we posted that Global Special Effects had European hub in the works.  Today, that dream comes to fruition.  Yes, we can move plans along pretty swiftly here in Alabama.  The new GSE European Hub will be headed by European Executive Operations Manager, Floridian Gnan, who has been visiting here in the South with us all week, and is just as excited as we are to be making this progressive jump forward.  Flo has provided us with some pictures of our new facility in Germany, and they are quite impressive (see image gallery at end of post).  Since we are currently in the picture-posting mood, we have decided to officially make this week GSE International Week and will be posting images of a few of our facilities in locations abroad.

Also coming with this recent announcement is another big announcement:  we have now dropped the price of FLOGOS!  For serious price inquiries, please call our office at (256) 229-5551.  If you are a Flogos distributor located outside of America, please contact Floridian at for your custom pricing, as he will now be handling all overseas purchasing and distribution.

Global Special Effects European Hub, Germany

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Reuters: Global Special Effects Largest Special FX Company In The World

“Reuters list of fastest growing American companies rates SnowMasters (now known  as Global Special Effects) as the largest special effects company in the world.  Among their newest growth and development plans is the expansion to a new European hub.  This new facility will be scheduled to open in March of 2012.  It is estimated that GSE will make the Forbes list of 5000 fastest growing American companies for 2012.  The return of Francisco Guerra, founder and inventor, has turned this home-grown company toward the watchful eye of Wall Street.”

Our comment on this: “Woop-woop!  Very nice!”  In other (older) news, on December 4th, Global Special Effects filmed another ABC Television Christmas special (this was actually the first one, before the one reported on yesterday).  The Walt Disney Christmas special featured more than fifty T-1500 Snow Zone snow machines, which were used in the filming of the snow fall on Main Street, USA.  The special is due to air before Christmas, and sadly, it might have already aired.  Word on our Facebook page is that it possibly aired on December 12th.  Hopefully, you can catch a replay, but if you are our friend on Facebook or follow us on Twitter, you should have already known about this in advance!

That’s all the real news for today.  Be sure to stay tuned for the new website release, which is hanging imminently around the corner.